Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Things That Are Sad and Signs of Life in Norway to Cheer You up

Hey, I reviewed the Spring 2011 Virginia Quarterly Review for The Review Review. 

Here, I detail my feeling-y feelings about reviewing literary reviews and problems I sometimes encounter therein.

After the review was all done and published, I found about this, which I had had no idea of before. It makes things in my review echo uncomfortably -- but also, not really. Blergh. I'm glad I didn't know about any of that beforehand. THINGS THAT ARE SAD.

I guess, for once my obliviousness helped me out.

To cheer you

The "Signs of Life," Norway edition!

NOTE: I've never been to Norway. However, my mother, despite being occasionally judge-y, loves me very much. She went to Norway and took pictures of funny signs for me.

NOTE ON MY NOTE: My mother did not go to Norway expressly to take funny pictures for me. She went for other things and happened to take pictures.

A McDonald's in Norway!

Established 1710! Who says  McDonald's has no sense of history???
A Norwegian bookstore offers you some really good advice. 

Spotty and proud!


L. said...

Ack I'd kill to shop the Acne store in Norway!

Easy O said...

Do you know what they sell??